Desert Wetlands
The Sky Islands and the American Southwest feature unique desert wetlands called ciénegas. Like other freshwater marshes, ciénegas are permanently inundated with water and provide a reliable water source for wildlife.
Cuenca is home to Ciénega San Bernardino, once the most extensive in the region. Like nearly every other ciénega, San Bernardino has suffered extensive degradation over the years. Land use changes associated with colonization by European settlers led to the incision of the Rio San Bernardino, following a devastating flood. The incised river drained both the ciénega of water and lowered the natural water table.
For 25 years, Cuenca has been working to restore the ciénega by installing large gabions across the incised and degraded Rio San Bernardino. As sedimentation increases in the channel, the ciénega has increased in surface area by 70%, and the water table has risen, even during periods of drought. Over time, we aim to restore the seasonal inundation cycles that once flooded this unique wetland landscape.